miércoles, 3 de julio de 2019

My experience on the Blog

Hi there.
Personally, I never wrote on a blog before, so I found really interesting the kind of work that we did on the blog, exactly we talked about different topics like our favorite place, our favorite program-series, to recognize an inspirational website or simply our career. In special, the last topic I found interesting how everyone talks about her career like architecture, design or geography, and how you can understand his career in other view from another focus… I think that the second block on the computer laboratory contribute to our own growth and we increase significantly our vocabulary.
So that’s why I like to read the classmate’s blogs, because I can know more about this person (in the last post I could read the post that they talk about his favorite series and this was really interesting).
I can’t see the negative aspects above the blogs, I’m sure that this activity makes us to dominate better the language.
It’s necessary to mention that the work in class (the attendance and attention by student in class and the labor from the teacher) is fundamental to develop and complement the education and training with the hours in the lab.
My English on the blog wasn’t that good at all, so I had to think about it, but I really enjoyed it. Being positive I think that the blog brings us smart and the edge technology to apply this in our action camp.
The lab gives us important tools that we will use in a future, if you want to travel or study in other country this will be a great help.

Resultado de imagen para blog mono escribiendo

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2019


When I was a child, every day when I went home, I see one of my favorite television series ever in Discovery Kids channel. I’m telling you about “Thomas and Friends” and currently the chapters is available on the channel website and on TV. Thomas and Friends was inspired in a book of trains. The series is about a group of locomotives that are so fantastic, they can laugh and talk and each locomotive have a face and a special color, like baby blue, blue, green, red and more colors. The name of the principal character is Thomas, He’s a blue train and he has the number one, (each locomotive have a different number painted in yellow). In some chapters Thomas is so scared because the governor say that a train will be dismantled, so Thomas believe that he did a bad job, I will mention that they work so hard, carry on to the tourists, passengers, and French people (the history happen in Britain). In other chapter, James and Gordon, Thomas’s friends, make a career over rails, and a history start to make a sequence of events in the middle of the Island of Sodor. I was so crazy about rails and trains, and when I was 11 or 12, I made 2 trains, the baby blue Thomas and the intensive red James, I would like to share with you but I don't have any pics :( I played every time, every day with the model trains made by me.

La imagen puede contener: una persona, sonriendo, cielo y exterior

miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2019

Dear Santiago
Personally, I like Santiago, the geography of our region is so imposing, the visuals in the area are great, and then we have some of the biggest buildings in LatinoAmerica, for example Costanera center Mall. Our city is very commercial and friendly, yes, I think that the santiaguinos are so friendly and humble people. But like every big city have consequences… in social terms, I dislike the corruption and the apathic polities, and in environmental terms, I dislike pollution, isn’t satisfying breathe dirty air. Is so sad that Santiago doesn’t has enough green areas and public spaces. Visitor, I’ll give you an advice, be careful and appreciate with green and public spaces, I recommend you visit Santa Lucia Hill, San Cristobal Hill, Palacio de La Moneda and much more milestones. 
Sopaipillas, empanadas and completes are the tending foods in the streets of Santiago, has a good taste. Santiago is so connected, and this made that every people can go to their jobs and houses, it’s a benefit and I like it because is easy go to college, work or home. So, better changes are possible if everybody contributes to scream and make big changes.
I would like that Metropolitan region start to do bike programs and most sustainable projects about transport, building, and politic themes in our city, right.

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

Mental Health

Hi classmate, today in my presentation I will talk about an interesting topic that is going take an important relevance in the society and screamed by the milenials guys. 
I will talk you about mental health… So, mental health is the steady state between the person and his social-cultural environment that guarantees his laboral participation, intellectual, and his relationships to reach a successful lifestyle. 
Mental issues has been always present in situations of stress, and high pressions in works, and others. We can remember an iconic moment in the pop culture when Britney Spears had a break and the hit a car with an umbrella, so, this is that we’re talking about. I’ll make a short introduction about her. Sheis an American singer and an inspiration for me. She was born in McComb, Mississippi, she appeared in stage productions and television series, before signing with Jive Records in 1997. In some of her songs, she wrote about “liberation” and she make references over issues mental, chaos, sadness in life, freakshow and more.

Some collapses that people have when constantly we do exhaustive activities and you feel the break down. 
Stress constitutes one of the principal psychosial factors, and it is one of the most studies topics in the world.
For this, we make a sick city, the students are increasingly facing the requirements and challenges, that demands a lot of physical and physiologic resources.

I am so proud because, actually, the university community raised the voice and show how our career (architecture) is so exhausting… So, a lot of academic stress, under social support, and we need changes.  

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2019

Hi everyone! I’ll tell you about a website, and at the same time it’s an app that I love. But I want to say that inernet brings us big tools and make more easy and interactive the life. Acctually the humans are so close to internet, looks like a relationship, however, it’s going bad because made us to be apathic persons. I found an amazing website, it’s ECOSIA.COM, is similar like google but this website do a good action… if you search in ecosia.com, the owners will be planting a tree! Yes, the idea is amazing and I’m so proud of all the ecologicst in the planet.

But I’ll talk about Pinterest. In my career is necessary to have good ideas and be creative, and this website is perfect to be introspective in this topic.
In Pinterest you can seach a big variety of things, food, styles, art, dance, music, travels, animal, science and technology, design, architecure and others. It’s fun to find things that are nice to see. When I have to do an abstract model, I look in this media and my brain goes on light. I take great ideas from here and I use that in my projects. In this website you can create your own session and save the pics that u like. I save some pictures of houses models, animals draws, acuarella paints, and pics of the iconic Mickey Mouse, that after I used how the wallpaper of my phone. Bye.

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2019

Hi. I’m studying architecture, and I wanted to study this career because when I was a kid I loved to make models. Houses models, trains models, and all models about wheels. I was obsessed with trains and I say “I want to be a constructor”. When I grow up, I knew what I really want to be, an architect. The most import is that my family support me a lot, they think that architecture is a great career and it was one of many reasons what actually I’m studying arch.
The architects need a lot of digital tools, including a laptop with the programs necessary to make a good job. Programs like Autocad, Sketch-Up, Photoshop, and others apps.
Personally I think that I’ll need a good pen, it’s important, a good pen can do big projects I think. Is enough to invest in implements that you’ll require in the process of our career.
And my favorite subject is “Urban sustainability”, this is about the changes in the world, little bit of Europe history, some impacts of the human activity, and all about the green world. This subject is so interesting and it’s nice to search more about these topics.
However, I think that every subjects are good, everybody sees architecture from different focuses, and it’s good to learn a bit of all.
Really this career is so hard, but when you love what you’re doing, everything becomes easy.

miércoles, 10 de abril de 2019

Hi! again. I'll tell you about a fantastic and magic place that I love. Every summer I visit my fam, they live in the north of chile, the ubication is the 4th region, Ovalle, but this place is named "La Cebada". how u see, it's a beach, it's near from ovalle (to 1.30 hours in bus).
This place is so special for me, I and my sister go there when we were kids. My sister was 5 mounths when she saw the sea at the first time, and I really don't know if I was a baby when I saw this lovely place.
Ok, every summer I go with my family to this place, we share the best moments that I can have, I'm so gratefull to have the oportunity to live these situations that I enjoy a lot. Talking about the place, it's a desertic geografic, it's rare because it's a beach! but the weather is so nice. so windy but it's ok, so fresh but a the same time is so warm. It's special. 
I'll define my routine in the summer days; I prefer to wake up so late, 2:00 pm. maybe, and the first thing that I do is go to the sea to take a cold shower, it's good for activate the musculature and add some of energy to the body. after I have to lunch, all my fam reunited in the table, sharing good moments, everybody tell their stories.
After with cousins we go to fell the fresh of the sea and take a nap in the sand, it's great. 
Finally at night, we plays some games, for example "Monopoly", "Pictureca", "Gran Santiago", and more.

I hope you enjoy it reading this, and you feel that I personally feel about this magic place.

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2019

I'm Diego Carvajal, I was born on October 26th, 1999 in Santiago. I grow up with my mom, sister and grandmother, really they are my world<3. I went to school in Estación Central for 13 years in the same school. I made amazing relationships with my lovely friends, I share a lot of smiles and laughts with their. I care of dogs, and other things. I have pets, two cute puppies, Toby and Muñeca, It's so adorable. 
My enviromental mind is so fierce, I'm taking care of everything that involves the water, plants, animals, the planet generally.
Acctually I'm an architecture student of the 'Universidad de Chile', I'm currently studyng in second year of archq. It's sooo hard but isn't the end of time. hahah
basicly I'm focused in my University-work and enjoy the moment. 